
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

SLUMPAGE followed by a whole lot of goodness

Today I was in a funk. A deeply rooted, crappy as can be funk. It felt like slumpage, but at this point that's not allowed. NO slumpage for Kristen. So, I gave myself some grace, wrote, cried, thought a lot, prayed and then I was ready to get going. It's funny what motivates people. Today, for me it was two fold. I thought, you will feel better once you get in the gym and get it done. And my brain was correct. My heart didn't say that today. It said, stay in, cry, be good to yourself, but don't worry about the workout. Both were correct. I grabbed my Ozzfest 2007 CD and took off on my bike, got to the gym, went straight to the treadmill and started running. I really like running to hard core guitars and HUGE drum beats. The words didn't matter, because all I heard was blah blah yaya ahhhhhhhhhhhgrugg huff, it was the instruments that kept me going. Man, was that exactly what I needed. And then, I had a great stretching cool down and came home to eat before heading off to Boot Camp @ 6:30. Boot Camp is a little bit harder this week because it's our last of the session and I'm liking the pick me up. Different warm ups, different harder drills, more weights, more combos. John is a rock star and I'm going to miss him. I have about 8 more sessions left and then I'm done. Which should bring me right into the next big huge exciting thing I am happy to share with everyone.
Today I set a couple of different goals for the next 6 weeks or refined my goals to be a little bit more SMART.
Click here to see my goals that were set in the beginning.
1). To lose 40 lbs by Sept. 1st for a better health and well being for Kristen.
addition to # 2. I'm half way there in lbs and half way there with time...things are looking good
2). To lose 40 more lbs. by Feb. 14th, 2011 and maintain that weight for a better health and well being for Kristen.
3). Get to a healthy BMI (I believe it's somewhere in the 19-25 range)
4). To be wearing a size 12 dress, jean, pant, top, etc. by Sept. 1st I'm down to a 14-16 in all things, hoping the next two sizes should come easily
5). Write in my blog or journal everyday, even if only a sentence. things here are on track
6). Read 6 Books to stimulate growth, have fun escape, and enhance brain activity! So far so good. 4 books down, 2 to go...I'll beat this one I'm pretty sure
7. Continue becoming a seperate, self actualized and fully grown up adult. Therapy with Sue remains a highlite of my week. Conversations with Luke, my dad, my mom, my sister, Beth, Blythe and God are all so stimulating. Other things that are totally helping as well are writing in my blog and letters, praying daily, being quiet so often, reading, lack of outside contact, etc. I have been on FB a couple of times, but it's been only very momentary and totally ok. I'm not sure, but living without a cell phone may be in the cards for me. Who knows...we shall see!!!
Oh, but to let you know the big news...Because I have been doing SO well at meeting all of my goals thus far I am totally getting a reward from my Papa!
On August 15th, I GET TO GO TO MONTANA!!!
Now for those of you who know me, this is the best kind of reward. I will spend a week up at the cabin on the lake with my brothers Josh and Robert and if people want to come and see me, then they are welcome, but I will be fishing, skiing, canoeing, water skiing, white water rafting, swimming, biking, running, hiking, playing and relaxing in the hot tub at night to soothe my aching muscles and the loons will sweetly sing me to sleep. Dad just told me an hour or so ago and this gave me even more of a YES motivation than I had before. A reward is always a good thing. I also have something special I am going to be throwing out to all of you next week as a challenge...Until then, I am off to San Diego to visit this gorgeous family of Megan, Andrew and Matty as well as my cousins I spent the 4th with!
Megan is my dear dear friend from college that I met in a computer lab who I haven't seen in 5 years! And this will be the first time I meet her son Matthew and see her pregnant with #2! I am also going to get to see my friend Carolyn Freeman in La Jolla Sunday morning! Oh yay, AND my Aunt Sally and Uncle Dick are coming to dinnner Sunday night! It's a week chalk full of people! Exactly what the doctor ordered for this chica!!!!!

Peace my friends, I'm sure I'll have much to upload and tell you all about on Sunday.

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