
Monday, July 26, 2010

Weekend pics and videos

This is Matthew and his SUPER cute hair that Megan spikes often! Doesn't he look like his mama? This isn't the best we looked all weekend, but it'll work. Early morning pictures aren't the best for hair!
Grilled chicken, mushroom, grape tomatoes, onions, sweet baby bell pepper and pineapple shiskabobs, served with quinoa and salad.  and lemon merenguepie for dessert which I only had a tiny tiny sliver, but it was enough for me to enjoy the taste. What a blessing it was to have Aunt Sally and Uncle Dick over. Fun to cook and show off the house and have someone else see the hard work I've been doing.
and last but not least a very cute look at the stinky feet/laughing funny video Matty and I made while hanging out Saturday night while Mommy and Daddy were at the wedding! I love little kids and the way they giggle!!!

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