
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

making it my own...

You read all of these amazing books, ok, well I read a lot of amazing books that share with me all sorts of advice and good words of truth and yet often times in my past, I have found myself not making it my own. Reading for reading's sake. No more of this, says the reader. I mean sure...there will probably be a book that finds itself into my hands that I will read for pure pleasure sake, but I'm talking about the learning tool type of books. The ones that are probably listed in the "Self Help" section at BnN or Borders.

Today, while weighing in, I lost another 4 lbs. That's not news if you read yesterdays entry, but if not...and you are only reading today''s news! And the best part about this news is why you need to read yesterday's entry. And no, this isn't my way of promoting my's my way of sending you to some good reads.
***********************tangent over*************************************

I appreciate these areas of the bookstore where sometimes people lurk and others hide. I wish I was funnier and could describe in the only way really funny people can this area of the bookstore. I think I may give this to my friend BMac and see what he can do with it. side, I'm all over today.

Anywho, back to the topic at hand...I'm all about making it my own. Sponging it up and then letting it drip everywhere I go. Sharing the best bits and pieces with those that have ears to hear. Or something...
Anywho...that's all for today. Going to lay out and read some more!!!

1 comment:

... said...


I'm confused... so what's the goal that you talked about yesterday? Is it weight-related? Hee hee, my friend, you waxed so poetic the last 2 days that I can't follow you!!!

We spend another day today ushering around tourists in Chicago. I guess it's exciting to be able to show people exciting bustling city, but really my heart needs a long walk down a scorrio road. I envy your upcoming trip. Soak some in for me!