
Saturday, July 10, 2010

a healthy run

when I woke up today it was already 70 degress out. And so I knew that I needed to get my run in as soon as possible otherwise I'd be out of decent weather to run in. These are referred to as nice days around here. And that just makes me smile.

So, Beth and I had breakfast, let our food settle and went out for my longest run yet: 40 min. She was up for running with me even though her normal pace is a little bit faster than mine and I wasn't sure how I felt about running with another person at first, but boy was I glad once we began to have her there. I like running with another. If you can talk during your run, even in like little blurbs, it's nice to keep the time going. So, off we went on the CSUN track. I started out wearing my running shorts and a big T-shirt that's loose. About lap 4, off came the shirt and I ran in my sports bra. It was SO hot I really didn't mind that my still present little belly was hanging out because when I took that shirt off, it felt like a the weather dropped at least 10 degrees.
Our time on the track was awesome. It's my first time running on a track and I decided that because of the mileage/time today, that it would be better for my first long run. And the shock absorbant track material was really nice to run on. We did incriments of 3-1 today. Next week I start 4-1's and it's going to be a kick in the pants for sure. I like feeling like I'm becoming a stronger runner, swimmer, biker, ect. The funny thing is that as soon as I feel that way, my training schedule ups the ante. It's like playing poker with Mr. Moneybanks from the country club who has nothing significant to lose.
I ran well. And Beth did great! I did have to stop to go to the bathroom and I'm curious to any runner out there, how ones combats this issue. I am trying to get in the right amount of water before I go, but too often I have to use the bathroom when I'm on my run and that's purely annoying. Any ideas, besides the standards answers...drink less, find a bush, ect.
Went to Costco today. I love that place except on Sat. afternoons in LA where people don't say, "excuse me" or "I'm sorry" when they bump into you or cut you off. It was a little insane, but purchased some amazing fruits and vegetables and juice and what not.
Tonight I'm going to a club called  The Edison with Blythe and Karen and Indrek. Should be fun and different! Hard part is drinks in So Cal are like $8 for a standard. Just not used to those expenses!!! So, I'll be having tonic water and maybe a glass of wine. I don't really have club type of clothes with me, but we'll figure something out. I need a night out with friends and strangers and music. So, I'm off to get ready.

Love you all...


... said...

I think it's "up the ante"...

Kristenanne said...

Thank you Miss Anna! Apparently spell check and I are no longer friends. Correction made! Up the anny?
ya know it sounds like nanny so anny? Annie? Ante, ah...