
Saturday, June 05, 2010

What are my expectations/goals?

Megan asked me to write down what I was hoping to get from all of this and I find it a very important question. They say if you have no focus, no goal, then you are just going through the motions per say. So, my goal(s).

Goals need to be SMART
S=Specific: what do you really want? Visualize it. Post a picture, a piece of clothing, something that you can see everyday and be reminded what you want.
M=Measurable: this #/amount/whatever by this date. Positive reinforcement with daily affirmations.
I am ________ because I do ________ each day or each week.
A=Action Oriented or Agreed Upon: What steps are you taking to reach your goal and who knows about them?
R=Realistic: Are these goals achievable by approrpriate standards
T=Time: schedule activated. Are your steps in your planner? Have you set a time for each step? Is that time realistic
1). To lose 35-60 pounds by Sept. 15th for a better health and well being for Kristen
                 Weigh in's once/week @ Weight Watchers
                 Using points journal to record food/exercise/daily goals
                 swim daily
                 boot camp
                 walk/run to and from gym and weight watchers meeting
                 yoga and stretching
                 8 glasses of water/day
2). Get to a healthy BMI or be working towards a goal of one with trainer by Sept. 15th for a healthy heart and fit body.
                  Measurements with trainer BMI/etc. once/week: more specific once we take original stats

3). To be wearing a size 12 dress, jean, pant, top, etc. by Sept 15th
                  Measurements at Weight Watchers once/week
                  Hang bikini and jeans on wall in room to look for visualization.
                  Hang picture and sayings on mirror in bathroom.
                  Follow schedule, and check and re-check. What am I doing and why am I doing it?

4). Write in my blog once/day even if only a sentence.
                 Spend 15 min.writing what I did today.
                 Training wise, how are you feeling, what crossed your mind today? 

5). Plan and revisit days, daily in order to know where my focus is and goals are.
                 Take a half hour each day to look at tomorrow and go over today.
                 Set daily goals and review them at days end.

6). Read 6 books: one every other week to enhance brain activity, stimulate growth and escape!
                  Write on laptop what your reactions/notes were
7). Continue becoming a separate, self actualized and a fully grown up adult.
                  Spend a hour/week with Sue in therapy/life skills on skype
                  Do not be on FB for 90 days.

As the story unfolds...I am so super encouraged. Or is that sunburned? Mental note: use sunscreen
Currently reading: Mayo Clinic Diet and Safe People

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