
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Where are the simple joys of maidenhood?

Tomorrow I get to go watch "Eclipse" with Audrey and I cannot think of a better way to spend the afternoon than watching that movie with a teenage girl! Seriously...If I was with Page, I'd take Page. Or if I didn't have any teenagers in Chicago, I'd go find a group online that were going. There is just something to be said about going and watching a vampire teenage love story with a teenager! LOL

Lately, I have been doing a lot of thinking about teenagers. I miss being in their lives. Helping to shape the face of the future with a friendship that isn't like their parents but can be a positive role model for them. I have always loved mentoring and would consider finding a program to get involved with when I establish my life somewhere. Where that somewhere is I just don't know yet...but it'll come.

So, I'm off to go make a smoothie before we go to PM Boot Camp! Ran for 20 min. today and did a 200 yd swim again. Tomorrow morning is turn around Boot Camp and then a 6 mile bike ride. It's getting harder and easier all at the same time if that makes any sense?!? The good part is that just as it gets easier, my schedule gets kicked up a notch.

Just booked my plans for the 4th too! Going to Redando Beach with my cousin Molly and her hubbster Noah. Going to bring my bike so I can ride on the beach and do a little ocean swimming!!! WOOT!!! I love ocean swimming!

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