
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Friday nights

Last night was one of the weirdest Friday nights I've had in a long time. I was SO longing to go out and do something fun with friends, but alas, I really don't know more than like 3 people in the LA area that I'm in touch with and none of them could hang out. I am also on a budget and have to make room for some of these kinds of things or I cannot go out. I would have LOVED having folks over too, but the house is not yet really have people over friendly and again there's the question of who would you have over? This is becoming a strange phenomenon for me.
Me an extrovert is wondering why I'm feeling a bit sluggish. I have my training which I am loving. Training my heart, my soul, my body, my brain, my eating. All of that is going really well. I need to go back to the drawing board and find some time to BE with people. Even just for small increments right now.
Luckily I will be seeing people on Sunday! And perhaps today, I will drive down and visit my great Aunt Hazel.
I'm dissappointed a lot lately with letters. I go to the mailbox, look out and long for a letter, wish it in to the mailbox, but to my shagrin, it's not there. That's is not meant to gulit anyone, just GET on it people! You won't believe how great it feels to write an old school letter! It's funny because I have heard that many people write and re-write letters to make sure there are no scratch outs, and that penmenship is perfect, ect. I am not one of those people. I pretty much just write. And whatever comes out, is what gets sent. Unless it's like a HOLY COW I'd better get this right type of letter, then I'll use a rough draft and editing skills. But that's sort of indicative to who I am. Spontaneous and excited to share with people. Yet, I am learning in communication there is an intended and a perceived. And they don't always match up. Hopefully, when this occurs, people ask questions and seek further understanding while with holding judgements. Or if judgements are made, then there are also discussed.
Sometimes I think about this blog in that format, but when I do, I usually hit the "Save Now" button and don't share with you all what I have written. Because writing for an audience is a good habit to get in as a writer, when you are writing let's say a book or a paper. But, a blog with changing themes daily? Yes, my dear friends this is an arena I care not too much for what you all want to hear as what I want to write. Please don't take it personally. It's more creative free style writing and when it becomes something I don't want it to be, then I will either walk away, push that awesome Save Now button or not post for a day or two. Lately, it's just been exactly what I hoped it would be. A place to share some of my thoughts for the day, A what I am doing and a what I am learning arena.

With all of that said, I would like to ask if anyone would like to hear more about a certain topic, just for topics sake?

Currently Reading: this piece from the book What Happy People Know by Dan Baker
Currently Writing: this blog entry on my other blog
Currently Listening to: A lot of Mixes on Youtube like this one
Currently Watching: Time Travelers Wife, cried. I am a huge fan of Rachel McAdams. I have a girl crush on her cheekbones.
Currently Absorbed in: this piece of literature
Currently Allured by: Tyler's blog

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