
Friday, June 18, 2010


I wish I could make a whistle sound on here. Because that's what I would say about how I'm feeling this morning! One of the reasons I LOVE working out is due to the adrenaline rush/high I get post workout. It's amazing and I seriously get kind of side swiped by it every time it happens. I honestly forget it's coming! But, man is it fantastic. Now, to get even more honest, this is not the high I was feeling last night. I may have almost been complaining as I whined about how soar my legs were.

Yesterday, I began my triathlon training. And I was feeling really up to it after resting for a day and a half after BOOT CAMP day 1. Especially due to the limited amount I was supposed to swim. I was only scheduled to swim 200 yds. total for my first swim. Instead, because I love to swim and was feeling SO great, I swam 500 yds. And even that seemed weak to me*.
*Disclaimer...I tend to push myself pretty hard when it comes to swimming because once upon a time, a long long time ago, I was a swimmer. I feel SUPER comfortable in the water and LOVE the feel of my body gliding through it. I have now become aware and I will show myself a little more grace here!
After I was finished, I got out of the water, took a shower and got dressed. The exit to the pool is a nice flight of two long sets of stairs. Here's where I laughed and went uh I crossed about the 7th step my knees went a little weak. A step 10, I was like crap. And I literally took a step at a time to get my body up the stairs!!! lol
One of the most important aspects in training is to listen to your body. Mine was telling me KRISTEN DO NOT GO TO BOOT CAMP TONIGHT! All in caps and out loud literally. So, I rested and went this morning!
As I woke up at 5:30 my body was telling me it was tight, but my mind was telling me to drink some water and get to Boot Camp. So, onward I went. And much to my grateful surprise, as we began to jog around the sand boxes, my muscles loosened up and said thank you for listening to us last night.
Today's Boot Camp went something like this:
Warm Up: jog 5x's around the sandboxes
Cardio/Abs/Strength Circuit: My group started at Abs: 20 knee touch crunches, followed by 20 bicycles as many sets as you can in 3 min
Next was cardio: sprints up and down the basketball court touching the lines. I forget what we used to call these back in BB days as many as you can in 3 min.
Then strength training with resistance bands: using the thickest one, we did chest presses and rows, 20 each as many as you can in 3 min.
Last was Cardio again: agility ladder this time sideways, each foot inside and looking straight ahead not at the ground as many times in 3 min. Then we did a second round same deal, but 1 1/2 min. instead.
PLANK:On our elbows, plank position hold it for 1 min. then switch to one arm side plank for 1 min. switch to the other side 1 min. 2 x's
Cardio/Ab/Strength Circuit: Abs this time were legs straight up in the air, toe touches, followed by scissors 20 X's each as many in 3 min.
Cardio this time was old school BB drills as well, sprint down, shuffle across, sprint backwards, shuffle across (I loved this drill, totally reminded me of back in the day, felt great! Want to try and relate a memory or emotion to all of the drills, seems to help me push myself and maintain a positive attitude throughout)
Strength this time was a shoulder press then to bicep curl using the red band instead 20 X's/3 min.
Agility ladder this time was a diagonal in and out
Abs: Last set was sitting with legs up, bent leaning back so your balancing on your tail bone, arms in front hold for slotted amount of time, then w/o stopping, arms to the sides in a T, hold, then arms over head, hold. REST. Repeat, but second time around if anyone dropped their arms, we had to start over. You could drop your legs to the ground, but not get out of the ab position. Whoopee this one kicked my booty! My core is under worked.
Cool Down and Stretch:
I was reading a lot yesterday on group fitness and how it really works well for people. I love it being the social bird that I am and really want to figure out how to continue doing something like Boot Camp at least 3 days/week when I end up wherever I end up come September. They say it's great because it mixes things up enough that you don't get bored, there is that competition thing going for you, (which totally motivates me), and you are using mostly your own body weight and simple things that are in everyday places like parks, etc. It made me think of the yoga/Pilate's classes I went to in Nancy's gym in Marion, MT. I loved them because of the women I took them with and the camaraderie we shared. There is a husband/wife group that comes to my class now, and I thought that would be awesome. My dad shared something with me the other day that I will be totally looking for. He said, "find a partner that will support and push you to where you have never been before. That is what Richie did for me when I achieved tri success." KP...Although we're in different cities now, I totally can see you becoming this for me. Or maybe I'll find it in a future mate!? Who knows...I just really looked on with much admiration at this couple and their support of one another.
Thanks for all of your encouragement and love that I've been feeling the past couple of days. Making sure I'm loving myself up too! Both with nourishment, sleep and self talk/soul talk.
My Sue has this posted in her office and reminded me of it's really good self talk for me so I thought I would share it with you. There's a theme in my life right now all about training. I feel like back in the OLD school days of Student Impact when it was highly centered around sports themes and that makes me smile from my head to my toes!!!

"Mistakes are expected and accepted. You’re here for training!!"

I don't have to arrive.
It's about the journey, not the destination.
Self love, not self loathing.
It's an experiment. Go back to the drawing board if something doesn't work. thanks LB!
All such great reminders.
Be blessed

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