
Wednesday, June 16, 2010


This is my Boot Camp website! This morning I woke up, had my glass of lemon water and a banana/nectarine/vanilla smoothie and headed over to Boot Camp. It's only 1.7 miles away from my house so on Friday, I will ride my bike. I was going to this morning, but I couldn't get my tired bootay out of bed and pushed the snooze alarm three too many times. WHOOPS! That's ok though, because I'm not sure I would be home yet. Thinking about getting on a bike after this morning's workout would have taken me a long time. :)
So, there are about 15-20 people that attend this class. Some have been coming for a long time, others began today like me. It's a nice group of people that are there because they love it. I talked to a couple of them and everyone seems to like the drills and John as an instructor/trainer.
Here was our day:
Cardio circuit-
Agility Ladder: kick knees up, both feet land inside of every rung, jog back to the beginning and do it again. We kept going until the group jogging finished two laps.
Jogging: circle two laps around the pool area, out to the street and back.
Jumping rope: same time frame as agility ladder
-Rest for 2 min.-
Squats: 3 sets of how ever many you can do in 2 min. rest 30 sec. between sets
Pushups: same as above
Crunches: same as above
-Rest for 2 min.-
Cardio circuit (repeat 2 x's)
Step ups on a bench with one leg, lift the knee of the other-10 each leg
Dips: 20
Bicycle crunches: 20
Sprint around the basket ball courts and back

My body felt amazing afterwards and I asked on a scale of 1-10 1 being the eeasiest and 10 totally wasting you, what was today's workout? The girl who I'd say is in great shape said "a 6.5-7, but it's all what you make of it." That was great encouragement because I was really hoping she wouldn't say like a 4. My body is telling me a couple of hours later that it feels the work I did today and is going to show me as the day goes on. I love that feeling!!!

So, the funny part is that when I asked how many of them are signed up for 5 days/week they laughed! That was my uh oh moment. John said, "Kristen, you're signed up for 5 days/week?" and then crossed me like we were @ mass. So, blessed be my ever changing body and my heart that grows healthier every day!

Drink your water today and be blessed Blog world~
off to Sears and Target!

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