
Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 3 Boot camp

My knees feel a little bit like JELLO today and my stomach is achy for sure! Ahhhh...boot camp such a great work out.
WARM UP: jogged twice around the pool/water slide area and I didn't walk any of it. WOOT!
-jump rope/wall sits
-triceps extension/flys using resistance bands
-cross over obliques/abs using thick resistance bands
-reverse crunch with 7 lb weights over head shoulders and up/bicycles
SPRINTS: around the exterior of the basketball court, sprint, walk, sprint, walk 3x's
JUMP SQUATS/SPRINTS: squat, jump from your squat, get posture, squat 15 yds/sprint 15 yds./jump squats/sprint up and back 60 yds.
SIDE SHUFFLE: on your toes, face one way, side shuffle down 60 yds. and back

I began a practice three days ago before going to bed every night, to say 5 things I was grateful for that day. It is serving me well and as I drift off to sleep I am filled with incredible amounts of joy and peace.

Seeing my girl Blythe from high school yesterday was SO much fun! We spent the afternoon/evening retreating in an awesome home in LA with a pool and jacuzzi! I met her friend Karen and the three of us had a really nice afternoon. We giggled and had long chats about our lives since then, and our lives now, philosophy, religion, politics, love, dating, fears, Sex and the City, movies, LA, Chicago, food, enzymes, wheat, dairy, etc. It was like NO time had passed and it was delightful! I am SO looking forward to meeting B's husband. He was on a weekend trip climbing Mt. Whitney! I love girls nights out. And being with people really helped fuel my soul.

I have begun to make better acquaintances with my fellow Boot Campers as well. Donna and I were partners today. She's 45 and really about exactly my level. She used to run X-Country back in high school and makes an awesome partner. We both push each other to do more.
One area that really needs a lot of work, is my core. I am very weak when it comes to this area and look forward to strengthening it as we go along. My legs have overwhelmed me as to how easily they are coming back in to shape. Muscle memory is very surprising!

Tomorrow I pick up Beth and Audrey from the airport so today I have a lot to do. I am going to put my bed together, clean the house, and try and plan out our meals for the week that they are here so "we" don't order out at all. Perhaps I can post another video soon! Until then...

May the love of God surround you.

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