
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Boot Camp turnaround

I'm tired today. Yesterday I had a big day of exercise. And I want to make sure I'm being smart, so I need to ask my trainer what's smart. I don't think I'm pushing too hard yet, like to risk anything but I know that as my training for the tri gets a little bit more intense, I either may have to cut back on Boot Camp OR just take it a bit easier when I am there.

Yesterday was a SWIM/RUN day
I am not swimming heavy amounts yet. 200 yds. free is what I'm supposed to do and I take it to 400 because I'm just like that with swimming. Then I did my 15 min. run.

Then Boot Camp last night @ 6:30 pm
WARM UP: lap around the pool
Started out with a cardio circuit
agility ladder/jump rope
25 of each: crunches, toe touches, supermans, bicycles, knee ups, leg lifts, scissors, regular sit ups
squats/lunges 50 of each
chest press/curls 50 of each
sideways, front knees high, sideways, front
1 lap around the pool and stretch

Today: boot camp @ 7:15 am
It was very similar but VERY different
circuit 100 x's each: jump rope/mountian climbers/side twists on the agility ladder REPEAT
25 x's each crunches, bicycles, toe touches, leg lifts, scissors, knee ups, regular sit ups
We started off doing 100 squat lunges, then jogged or briskly walked (I briskly walked most of this leg), Then did 100 rows, then jogged up to the next area where we did 10 sets of up and down the stairs continuous pace without stopping, jogged to the next area, where we did dips with legs either straight out or knees bent, (I'm still at the knee bent point :0)) then jog back to the start.
Plank on elbows for a min followed by Supermans for a min. If any of us didn't do it we started over. REPEAT.
(second set I was sweating and my arms kept slipping, but I held out!!!)
Later today I have a 6 mile bikeride to go on, but I am going to wait until after I pick up Beth and Audrey from the airport. I can't believe they are coming back already.

Went to WW today and lost another 3.4 lbs!!! WOOT! I'm not too interested in the scale though as I am in the way I feel and the way I look. My measurements will be done at one month so we'll see what I've lost there. Plus, although I'm tired today, I'm feeling amazing!!!

Going to go take a nice nap in the sunshine I think. Oh the California sun is vicious!
Hope everyone is feeling the peace that surpasses all understanding today

Love always,

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