
Saturday, June 12, 2010

got a a video

It's for real...there's really a phone that works at my dad's house now.
Currently sitting at Starbuck's people watching and figuring out where I'm going to go to church tomorrow.
Decided on: MOSAIC
they have a monthly "ladies lunch" tomorrow and I'm hoping to go to that. It seems more probable for me right now than the pool party, but we'll see. An old acquaintance by the name of Steve Sacone is on staff there and I e-mailed him as well as the leader of the women's ministry at the campus I'll be attending in Pasadena. I was hoping for gobs of people commenting on my question but I'll figure her out.
Sent off about 10 snail mail letters yesterday and can't wait to hear from my pen pals!
Rode for an hour today on my bike all over the area...including the grocery store! The one I rode has a cute basket on the front for handy purchases. It was a perfect California day....79 degrees. I would have taken my bike to the beach, but I had to wait for the phone guy a long part of the day. :( I think I will take it down there on Monday!
Each day is truly feels like an adventure lately. Everything from meeting new people, to the quest to become healthier daily to unpacking a house and figuring out where to go tomorrow. I think I do a pretty good job of viewing life this way, but I want to even more so! My girl Jessie posted this quote on her page and I'm stealing it for y'all!!! Ian Flemming, the genius who thought up James Bond said,
“Never say ‘no’ to adventures.
Always say ‘yes.’
Otherwise you will lead a very dull life.”

Took my measurements today and I'm here to say, that's a wake up call. A great one too, because I am feeling SO amazing and can't get sloppy at all. BOOT CAMP won't let me get sloppy. I know. Discipline and learning. 

Hooked up the Blue Ray and Wii last night! It's weird watching Blue ray. Anyone know what I mean? So, while I was working with electronics and technology, I found my dads FLIP! here is me...and the backyard. ENJOY!!! I did...
Watch here


Luke said...

Holy crap! That's all I have to say...pool, b-ball, the worlds most awesome grill and a bike for every mood. Can't wait to hear about it all!

Julie said...

Hi Kristen! Good to "see" you- cute video :) I like your quote about adventure...I'm trying to say more "yeses" to adventures in my life lately. Went back to school! Yikes! Anyway, still praying everyday for you and hope all is well. Love you.


Kristenanne said...

Jules, for ASL?! I'm so excited for you and can't wait to hear more. Thank you so much for your prayers. I was sitting outside the other morning having breakfast and I literally felt them. The Lord whispered to me, you are not alone, people are praying for you! SO again, THANK YOU!!! Write me a letter if you have a moment between the boys, and life and what not and I'll write back. Pen pals!?!

Luker: SO good to talk with you last night and hear your voice!

Kristenanne said...

Oh yay, and LUKE...that picture of you ROCKS! I want a copy for my prayer book. Maybe you can send it in your very neatly hand printed jr. high letter?!