
Thursday, August 26, 2010

See, I'm back

and with being back comes multiply posts. It's because I am reading stuff again. Well, stuff that is easy to read and then post about from my dad's comfy chair in the office.

and today, I read Tyler's post and from it wanted to share this:

"If you’re an adventurer, go to new places instead of the same ones you’ve already been to. Meet new people. Talk to strangers, and not just the ones that look friendly. Find new ways to travel and find new ways to experience the old ways. Tell people about your culture and listen intently when they tell you about theirs.

Go home and launch the stories of your adventures on anyone that will listen. Find new ways to tell people about them and add more details to your old stories. Change people’s perception of the world every day and let them change yours."
Today, I took Koke (dad's amazing dog that makes me want a dog badly) and Josh on a long walk to CSUN (cal state university northridge). We went to a meet the campus deal where they were having a band, food and DJ's. It was super cool to see a college campus at work again. It reminded me of the day I signed up for 7, yes 7 credit cards, as I walked to a class at NAU (northern arizona university). I loved it. The excitement wrapped up in new beginnings, recruitment, community, and pride.
I am a cheerleader at heart. I like taking pride in my alma mater (high school), my Cubbies and other fun teams that have crossed my paths as I have traveled throughout life. I also like cheering for people. Lauren is one person I believe I would like to cheer for. She is a girl I met at the Actors for Autism camps I worked at. She lives with deaf roommates, and speaks ASL fluently. I saw her tonight at the ASL club table and had to stop by. She's just a cool chick and if I was staying in Southern California, I would like to be in her life more. I don't know her very well at all, but she just strikes me as someone that I would like to know better and cheer for.
My Sue and I talked today and if you do not have a mentor/life coach/therapist type of person in your life...GET ONE! That's my piece of advice today...Find a mentor worth listening to and learning from.
And surround yourself with good friends. Mutually respectful, responsible, humble, honest and caring people! I am so thankful for my circle that grows and changes, but some remain the constants. God is a great giver of love...

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