
Sunday, August 29, 2010

communion over the internet

I love that no matter if you are actually there or not, the internet provides an opportunity to share in the sacraments. And so, this morning I found myself watching a church service and dwelling on the God who rescues us. What a joy to have minutes to ponder the truth that this is. So, today as I make piles of old clothes, fold up quotes that have been posted all over this house, and seize every opportunity to hug my dad and family while I'm with them, I am absolutely full of gratitude to God who gave his son, to Jesus who gave his life, and to the Holy spirit for living in my heart.

1 comment:

jgoff said...

Hey Kristen,

I just looked at your blog! Good for you! It looks like you did awesome with meeting your goals. I'm excited to read more about how your journey went.

Julia Goff