
Thursday, August 05, 2010

B, dinner and a hair cut

Bltyhe came over for dinner last night and boy was it yummy. We started with a cucumber salad with feta cheese, olive oil, spices and greek olives. Second course was grilled herb chicken breast with mashed garlic and chive cauliflower and steamed artichoke hearts. The flavors were devine and paired nicely with a California Malbec. She is such a great friend for over 20 years now and it was really nice having someone over for dinner. We dined outside on the patio and later ajourned to the family room for a haircut and further fantastic conversation. Dessert was your choice of any of the three oatmeal cookies I made the other day and am just getting in the mail today!!! So yummy. I have to limit myself to one, because they are THAT good! She ended up staying much later than we thought, because we both had early mornings and I literally fell asleep typing an e-mail before bed.

What a joy to have life long friends!!!

P.S. She's totally signing on for the challenge! Now we have a Califonian, a Texan and a Chicago girl and guy!!! Woot!


... said...

How is mashed cauliflower? I've read it's a great substitute for mashed potatoes, but... really?

Kristenanne said...

Anna thank you for asking. It was SO delicious!!! I steamed it and then blended it lightly, kept some clumps, and added a lot of garlic, some organic vegetable broth and a little bit of sea salt and pepper and then topped with chives. SO yummy. Honestly I don't know if I had told B that it wasn't califlower she would have known. If you are making a large batch, they say adding one potatoe can help keep it thicker. I don't add milk, because i'm trying to stay away from dairy. I used the veg broth and it worked well. Probably could have used a little less, but oh well. they were a little runnier than I wanted.