
Sunday, August 08, 2010

Mental road blocks and running

I like running because it clears my mind. But tonight it didn't seem to be happening. Usually I get into a nice groove and breathe deeply and concentrate on the journey ahead of me. And then if there is something that I am working through, it somehow gets sorted out as I run. Tonight it was the opposite. I was nervous about this run, because it was a LONG one, and because I had SO much on my mind that I wasn't sure I'd be able to sort anything through. I was mentally blocked. BUT then, section 2 out of 5, 7 min. run parts, I broke through. And came moments of truth and peace and steadiness. I love running for that reason. I get to concentrate on the journey. It reminds me of that. Take the next step literally Kristen.

I really struggle with this concept sometimes. The journey. I SO badly want to arrive at the destination, whatever that destination is that I forget to look around me and see what's going on. Or I get caught up in something small and how quickly that mole hill morphs into Mt. Kilamingaro. I want things to happen now. I want growth to happen now. I want change to happen now. I want certain things to be NOW. And God says to my impatient heart, "be patient precious one." He reminds me to breathe and concentrate on the what is happening here and now. To be ever present with him listening and sharing and asking and believing that my eternal desire for the good to be NOW is from Him and that daily He is making all things new. And that He does have a plan. And to TRUST Him again when things tell me otherwise.

So, I breathe in and I breathe out and I take the next step and there they go...poof...the mental road blocks get conquered. I am running once again free and fully present to what it means to be alive in the now.

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