
Monday, January 03, 2011

Beginning again

Ok, so starting again sometimes sucks. And I believe I need to get what my boyfriend calls "Mindset." It's what my dad used to call the "Mental Game." When you look in the mirror and see one thing, you can't let it be what you believe. You MUST get past that and remind yourself you are in process, progress, and that the little steps the very little steps matter. It is 1/1/11 and I have gained 15 of the 40 lbs I lost back. I haven't been able to run. I have been able to work out but have not chosen to do so on a regular basis therefore putting back on 15 of those lbs. over the last 4 months. So, here's to beginning again! Soon enough, not really soon enough for my own liking, I will be able to run again. But for now, I will take this ankle crap easy and get moving, work out as I can. Walk. Do some swimming. I watched a movie on Lifetime yesterday and yes, it stirred all of these feelings inside of me to change my body and my brain again. It was very empowering and so I am back. Full swing. No more moping because of my ankle, or because I live in a town I really don't want to live in. Positive thinking rings forth.
I think it's super important to do the following. Why first. I think it is super important to do the following because it worked for me. So, here's a list and things I'm committing to do as of today. Call them resolutions, call them what you will. On this blog, if you have read before or are brand new to me, you will find I am a go getter of sorts and don't like remaining stagnant long. This is long enough...
Post important inspiring quotes/phrases around you.
Find your own. Write your own. Put them where you will see and read them everyday.
4 magnets I have on my fridge:
-"There is a God. You are not Him."
-"It is one event in a lifetime of events, you must go on."
-"What might have been does not exist. So don't even go there."
-"The last chapter has not been written yet."

Ones that I had around me this summer were posted on my mirrors and fridge...(and in bad taste, I don't know the authors, sorry)
-"Big goals take big effort."
-"Rather than look for more of the same ways to stay comfortable, we have to constantly search for new ways to become uncomfortable."
-"It's ALL about the journey. NOT the destination."
-"Mistakes are expected and accepted. You are here for training!!"
-"Every huge goal is no more than the sum of a million little ones. Baby steps=success"
-"It's an experiment. Go back to the drawing board."
-"If you want to finish, you've got to take a lot of baby steps. And if you want to get the most of your journey, you should follow where it makes sense, but always look forward and don't be afraid to lead when you need to."
-"You're allowed to get it wrong as many times as it takes to get it right."

AND my family motto
-"Face the Worst,
Think the Best,
Do your Most,
Leave the Rest."

-"Go where you do not want to go, see who you do not want to see, and say what is difficult to say."
-"Being a rebel pays off. Those who risk the most, win the most."
-"Your life is an occasion, rise to it."

Some cards that people sent to me also.

-"Believe and Dare. Stretch Far. Dig Deep. Hope and Trust. Persist and Leap. Miracles happen everyday...if faith is allowed to lead the way. Believe in Yourself EVERYDAY!"
-"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams!" -Thoreau

And from my cousin Rich via my padre, "What I had, I gave, what I saved, I lost forever."
So, up go the quotes all over the house today. And I may add some new ones. Buck might tire of them, but hey. Ya know what? Tough. Jk! ;o)
Get a daily quote sent to you on your phone. Challenge a friend to a text quote per day deal. Find an inspirational book and read it. Do whatever it takes to find what you need to get off your butt. Cause for me, it takes different things different days. Figure it out. tell me about it please. Because I am not a rock or an island. I need the sharing of inspiration. It only grows then like the most beautiful of medleys. Sing your song of inspiration loud and proud. Give credit where credit is due.

SUSAN JOHNSON: for her endless untiring (if that's a word) spirit of go get it. She helped me to ride a 25 mile ride in MT that kicked my weight loss in to high gear. I miss those mountains and I miss you. You are a breath of fresh air!
ANNA KORUBA: There were days when your comments on my posts were the only thing that made me smile or kept me going. Thank you for being a co-traveler. Keep on trekking my dear friend!!!
JOHN MANUEL: Somehow your way of training pushed me to want to do more and be better. I believe in your skills so much. I wish I could have you as my own personal trainer to pull out of my pocket. I will forever quote you, "You will live." Thanks for everything you gave and give to those who don't appreciate it. Please know I do!
DRE: Your skyping sessions with me were moments of laughter and peace and community and love. Thank you for music and tenderness and honesty and openness.
DAD: There are tears that can describe my gratitude better than words. Jars full of happy and grateful tears. You were my first male inspiration in this life and I'm the luckiest daughter in the world to have you as a father and friend. Thanks for getting it!
JULIE KAY OLSON PELLETIER: Your prayers for me everyday were SUCH a gift! That commitment was felt and gave me wings often times when I had nothing.
LUKE BRUSCHUK: there were more than two days this summer where I wanted to quit and didn't see beyond myself. You were there to kick my ass, say the right thing and get me going. Do it anyways Kristen. go back to the drawing board. how was your work out today? ect. Thanks for our talks. Transformation rarely occurs outside of community. You are a huge part of my community.
BETH HALAAS: Gets awarded the "greatest step mom" award. She pushed, listened, loved, gave and was herself in all ways that helped to encourage me a ton this summer. I love you.
KP: for your fan mail
BROOKE: my heart doppelganger. Thanks for writing and reading. And for your prayers and promises to Jesus.
BLYTHE: Your beauty, light and love graced my life again this summer as it did back in Jr. High and High school. Those big dream type of people like us are changing the world. One plastic bottle or heart at a time!!!
SUE: My mentor/life coach/friend/therapist! You have helped grow me up since I was 17. Your wisdom I cherish and your love for me overwhelms me sometimes. Thanks for your depth and commitment to being in my corner for SO many years.

If I left you out, please don't be offended. I am all about giving credit whenever and wherever I can.


... said...

One of my favorite things about this post is how it's almost the next thing after a post called, "Working out has never been easier!".

I have another one for you to print out really big. BIG. BIGGER than that....

I am enough.

It doesn't change your goal-making, but it will help you to... as a friend of mine recently sang to his new girlfriend... "I would you could see you the way I do".

... said...

would = wish.... sorry!!