
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Working out has never been easier

Ok, so for those of you out there that don't like to work out, I get it. There's not enough time in the day. It hurts. blah blah blah blah blah...the excuses are real, but they are just that. Excuses. If you are an able bodied person, you can exercise. Examples...shoveling snow! I spent 20 minutes outside shoveling our walkways and was getting exercise the entire time. Now you might say, Kristen what do you mean? But, by now we all know that even your walk from the parking lot @ target to the front door can be exercise if you make it that way. Park far away. Use the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. Make 2 trips to your car with your groceries instead of one. That way, you're walking more than you're sitting. You're moving more than you're not moving. It's all a start.
One of the best ways I got started back in the day was a suggestion from Weight Watchers. Lots of people watch TV. So, the idea was that while you are watching TV, during EVERY commercial break of your show, you get up and do something active. Pushups, sit ups, walk around the couch 10 times, jumping jacks, somersaults, ect. It's amazing how much activity you will actually get into your day by doing that simple thing.

Let me put it down this way for those of you who are visual.
30 min. show is typically an 18/12 split. That's 12 min. of activity you are adding to your day!
If you watch 2 back to back, that's 24 min. of possible exercise you added to your day. Start small, but add something each day. Walk to your neighbors instead of calling them. Mow your lawn, in stead of paying the local guy to do it. You'll pay for it later!!!
I hope this is encouraging to you. It was to me...get off your butts loved ones and get moving!

1 comment:

... said...

You are crazy. I love you. Your video made me want your eye-shadow. Probably not the point of the post but whatever! Miss ya!